Maryland Manual On-Line, 2003

July 31, 2003

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual




In 1937, the State Roads Commission was authorized to construct tunnels financed by tolls to be collected on the completed projects (Chapter 356, Acts of 1937). Now, State tunnels are the responsibility of the Maryland Transportation Authority of the Department of Transportation.

The Baltimore Harbor Tunnel opened in 1957, providing the first direct link north and south under the Harbor for vehicles bypassing Baltimore City. In 1985, the Fort McHenry Tunnel also crossed the Harbor and became a vital part of I-95, the East Coast's most important interstate route. Tolls are collected for both tunnels, and electronic toll-collection (known as M-TAG) began for both in 1999. In January 2003, M-TAG became part of the E-Z Pass system.

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