Member of House of Delegates, January 1991 to January 8, 2003. Member, Constitutional and Administrative Law Committee, 1991-93; Judiciary Committee, 1993; Commerce and Government Matters Committee, 1994; Environmental Matters Committee, 1995-99, 2001-03 (agriculture, environment & natural resources subcommittee, 2001-; public utilities subcommittee, 2001-; environmental & natural resources subcommittee, 1995-99); Special Joint Committee on Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program, 1995-2003; Appropriations Committee, 1999-2000 (health & human resources subcommittee, 1999-2000; oversight committee on pensions, 1999-2000; oversight committee on program open space & agricultural land preservation, 1999-2000); Special Joint Committee on Pensions, 2000. Chair, Transportation Committee, Montgomery County Delegation, 1996-2003.
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