Democrat, District 21, Anne Arundel & Prince George's Counties
Lowe House Office Building, Room 210
84 College Ave.
Annapolis, MD 21401 - 1991
(410) 841-3114, (301) 858-3114
1-800-492-7122, ext. 3114 (toll free)
fax: (410) 841-3116, (301) 858-3116
3019 Chapel View Drive
Beltsville, MD 20705 - 3429
(301) 572-4042
fax: (301) 572-7305
Member of House of Delegates since January 11, 1995. Member, Environmental Matters Committee, 1995- (environmental & natural resources subcommittee, 1995-99; agriculture, environment & natural resources subcommittee, 1999-2003; health subcommittee, 1999-2003; ethics subcommittee, 2003-; natural resources subcommitee, 2003-; chair, environment subcommittee, 2003-). Chair, Joint Committee on Chesapeake Bay Critical Areas, 2003-. Member, Special Joint Committee on Group Homes, 1995-97; Joint Legislative Task Force on Organ and Tissue Donations, 1997-98; Joint Committee on Children, Youth, and Families, 1999-2003. Member, County Affairs Committee, Prince George's County Delegation, 2001- (bi-county committee, 2001-02 & county affairs committee, 1999-2000, montgomery county delegation). Member, Women Legislators of Maryland, 1995- (co-chair, legislative committee, 2001-).
Member, Task Force on Education Funding in Prince George's County, 1995-96; Commission on Aging, 1995-; Task Force to End Smoking in Maryland, 1999; Child-Care Administration Advisory Council, 2000-; Task Force on Upgrading Sewerage Systems, 2001-02; State Advisory Council on Quality Care at the End of Life, 2002-. Born in Washington, DC, May 31, 1945. Attended Northwestern High School, Hyattsville; American Institute. Business owner. Member, Prince George's County Democratic Central Committee. Assistant to Parliamentarian, Democratic Party National Convention, 1968, 1972. Deputy Director, Rules Commission, Democratic Party National Convention, 1972. Distinguished Service Award, Calverton Recreation Council. Pride Award, St. Vincent Pallotti High School, Laurel. Married; two children.
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