[photo, Joseph F. Vallario, Jr., State Delegate] JOSEPH F. VALLARIO, JR.
Democrat, District 27A, Calvert & Prince George's Counties

Member of House of Delegates since January 8, 1975. Chair, Judiciary Committee, 1993-. Member, Rules and Executive Nominations Committee, 1993-; Legislative Policy Committee, 1993-. Co-Chair, Task Force to Examine Crime Victims' Rights Laws in Maryland, 1996-. Member, Special Committee on Gaming, 2001-. Past member, Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics. Member, Drunk and Drugged Driving Task Force, 1988-90; Joint Task Force on Maryland's Procurement Law, 1993-94; Joint Committee on the Selection of the State Treasurer, 1996, 2002. Past chair, Prince George's County Delegation (member, law enforcement & state-appointed boards committee).

Member, Task Force on Crime, 1976-77; Criminal Justice Information Advisory Board, 1991-96; Sentencing Guidelines Advisory Board, 1993-99; Court of Appeals Standing Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure, 1993-; Joint Executive-Legislative Task Force to Study Commercial Gaming Activities in Maryland, 1995; Governor's Commission on Gun Violence, 1995; Maryland Commission on Criminal Sentencing Policy, 1996-99; Commission on Juvenile Justice Jurisdiction, 1998-2001; Council on Jury Use and Management, 1999-2000; State Commission on Criminal Sentencing Policy, 1999-; Anti-Terrorism Work Group, 2001-02. Born in Washington, DC, March 4, 1937. Attended Washington, DC, parochial schools; Benjamin Franklin University, B.C.S. (commercial science) and M.C.S. (commercial science), 1959; Eastern College; Mt. Vernon School of Law, LL.B., J.D., 1963. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1964. Attorney. Member, American and Maryland State Bar Associations. Past president, Prince George's County Criminal Trial Lawyers Association. Member, Order of Sons of Italy. Inactive member, Painters Local Union no. 1773. Married; six children; eleven grandchildren.

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