[photo, Richard C. Mike Lewin, Secretary of Business and Economic Development] RICHARD C. MIKE LEWIN
Secretary of Business & Economic Development, 1998-2000

Secretary of Business and Economic Development, November 30, 1998 to November 17, 2000.

Special assistant, U.S. Representative Clarence D. Long, 1962-64. Executive Assistant to Comptroller of the Treasury, 1966-69. Chair, Candidate-Screening Commission, Baltimore County Constitutional Convention, 1968.

Member, Advisory Council for Port Land-Use Development, 1998; State Use Industries Advisory Committee, 1998-99; Governor's Executive Council, 1998-2000; Cabinet Council for Career and Technology Education, 1998-2000; Cabinet Council on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, 1998-2000; Smart Growth and Neighborhood Conservation Subcabinet, 1998-2000; Maryland Economic Development Commission, 1998-2000; Maryland Industrial Development Financing Authority, 1998-2000; State Information Technology Board, 1998-2000; Maryland Small Business Development Financing Authority, 1998-2000; Governor's Council on Adolescent Pregnancy, 1998-2000; Maryland Aviation Commission, 1998-2000; Maryland Commission for Celebration 2000, 1998-2000; Maryland Child-Care Business Partnership, 1998-2000; Task Force on High-Speed Network Development, 1998-2000; Maryland Advisory Commission on Manufacturing Competitiveness, 1998-2000; Maryland Advisory Council for New Americans, 1998-2000; Interagency Nutrient Reduction Oversight Committee, 1998-2000; Western Maryland Economic Development Task Force, 1998-2000; Governor's Work Force Investment Board, 1998-2000; Maryland Economic Development Assistance Authority, 1999-2000; Governor's Interagency Council for the Nonprofit Sector, 1999-2000; Task Force on Regulatory Reform, 1999-2000; Board of Directors, Bainbridge Development Corporation, 1999-2000; Board of Directors, Maryland Technology Development Corporation, 2000.

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, August 31, 1942. Attended University of Maryland, 1960-65. Served in U.S. Army Artillery National Guard, 1962-68. Program developer, United Planning Organization, 1964-66. Investment representative, Bache & Co., 1969-71. Vice-president, Paine Webber Jackson & Curtis, 1971-77. Senior vice-president, Shearson Lehman Brothers, 1977-84. Senior vice-president, Drexel Burnham Lambert, 1984-86. Managing director, BT Alex Brown, Inc., 1987-98. President, Maryland Federation of College Young Democrats, 1964; Young Democratic Clubs of Maryland, 1966. Associate Campaign Director, Sickles for Governor Campaign, 1966. Board member, Echo House Foundation, 1966-68. President, City County Democratic Club of Baltimore, 1968-70. Member, American Council of Young Political Leaders, 1984-90. President, William Walters Association, 1985-87. Board member, Fund for American Studies, 1986-92; Walters Art Gallery, 1987-92. President, St. Barts Reforestation Fund, 1995-96.

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