[photo, Peta N. Richkus, Secretary of General Services] PETA N. RICHKUS
Secretary of General Services, 1999-2003

Secretary of General Services, January 4, 1999 to January 15, 2003.

Member, Task Force on Regulatory Reform, 1999-2001. Construction Advisor, Board of Public Works, 1999-2003. Chair, Government House Trust, 1999-2003. Member, Governor's Executive Council, 1999-2003; Asbestos Oversight Committee, 1999-2003; Commission on Correctional Standards, 1999-2003; Customer Council (State Use Industries), 1999-2003; Maryland Food Center Authority, 1999-2003; General Professional Services Selection Board, 1999-2003; Hall of Records Commission, 1999-2003; State Information Technology Board, 1999-2003; Interdepartmental Advisory Committee for Minority Affairs, 1999-2003; Pricing Committee for Blind Industries and Services of Maryland, 1999-2003; Pricing and Selection Committee for Rehabilitation and Employment Programs, 1999-2003; Procurement Advisory Council, 1999-2003; Interagency Committee on School Construction, 1999-2003; State Use Industries Advisory Committee, 1999; State Use Industries Management Council, 1999-2003; Smart Growth and Neighborhood Conservation Subcabinet, 1999-2001; Smart Growth Subcabinet, 2001-03; Task Force on School Construction Work-Based Learning and Apprenticeship Programs, 1999. Board of Directors, Bainbridge Development Corporation, 1999-2003. Member, Governor's Council on the Chesapeake Bay (Governor's Chesapeake Bay Cabinet), 2000-03. Chair, Task Force to Study Lighting Efficiency and Light Pollution in Maryland, 2001-02. Chair, Maryland Green Buildings Council, 2001-03. Member, Task Force to Study Public School Facilities, 2002-03; Rebuild La Plata Task Force, 2002-03; Maryland Security Council, 2002-03.

Born in Manila, Philippine Islands, 1947. University of Rhode Island, B.A. (with honors), 1970; University of Baltimore, M.B.A. (summa cum laude), 1980. Former research analyst, Baltimore County Economic Development Commission. Senior vice-president, sales and marketing, Buchart-Horn, Inc., 1987-98. Board of Directors, AFRO-American Newspapers, 1986-99. Trustee, Baltimore Public Works Museum, 1986-99. Alumni board of governors, University of Baltimore, 1998-. Life member and Fellow, Society of American Military Engineers; Society of Marketing Professional Services. Member, Baltimore Heritage; Maryland Historical Society; Baltimore Museum of Art; Walters Art Museum; Network 2000. Assistant Chair, Maryland Charity Campaign, 2002. Married; one daughter, three stepdaughters.

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