[photo, Arlene H. Stephenson, Acting Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene] ARLENE HAHN STEPHENSON
Acting Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene, 2002-03

Acting Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene, December 9, 2002 to March 10, 2003. Deputy Secretary for Public Health Services, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 1999-.

Member, Governor's Executive Council, 2002-03; Cabinet Council on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, 2002-03; Governor's Subcabinet for Children, Youth, and Families, 2002-03; Governor's Council on Adolescent Pregnancy, 2002-03; Advisory Board on After-School Opportunity Programs, 2002-03; Interagency Committee on Aging Services, 2002-03; Appalachian States Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission, 2002-03; Asbestos Oversight Committee, 2002-03; State Child Fatality Review Team, 2002-03; Drug and Alcohol Council, 2002-03; State Emergency Medical Services Board, 2002-03; Commission on Environmental Justice and Sustainable Communities, 2002-03; Governor's Commission on Hispanic Affairs, 2002-03; Governor's Interagency Council on Homelessness, 2002-03; State Commission on Infant Mortality Prevention, 2002-03; State Information Technology Board, 2002-03; State Advisory Council on Medical Privacy and Confidentiality, 2002-03; Interdepartmental Advisory Committee for Minority Affairs, 2002-03; Maryland Advisory Council for New Americans, 2002-03; Interagency Nutrient Reduction Oversight Committee, 2002-03; State Advisory Council on Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness, 2002-03; Maryland Partnership for Children, Youth, and Families, 2002-03; Governor's Pesticide Council, 2002-03; Prince George's Hospital System Improvement Task Force, 2002-03; Governor's Commission to Study Poverty in Maryland, 2002-03; Maryland Security Council, 2002-03; Women's Health Promotion Council, 2002-03. Board of Trustees, Maryland Health Care Foundation, 2002-03. Chair, State Children's Environmental Health and Protection Advisory Council, 2002-03. Chair, Statewide Commission on the Crisis in Nursing, 2002-03.

Research statistician, Health Services Cost Review Commission, 1981-86. Assistant Director, Policy and Health Statistics Administration, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 1987-93. Chief of Staff to Secretary and Deputy Secretary for Public Health Services, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 1993-99. Glassboro State College, B.A. (mathematics), 1973; The Johns Hopkins University, M.A. (administrative science), 1983. Former high school teacher.

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