[photo, Sarah J. Taylor-Rogers, Secretary of Natural Resources] SARAH J. TAYLOR-ROGERS, Ph.D.
Secretary of Natural Resources, 1999-2001

Secretary of Natural Resources, July 26, 1999 to August 8, 2001.

Project Manager and Community Planner, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, 1974-79. Director, Coastal Zone Management Program, Department of Natural Resources, 1979-84. Executive Director, Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Commission, 1984-94. Assistant Secretary for Resource Management Service, Department of Natural Resources, 1994-99. Member, Executive Committee, Coastal States Organization (past chair). Past chair, Potomac River Fisheries Commission.

Chair, Governor's Council on the Chesapeake Bay, 1999-2001; Rural Legacy Board, 1999-2001; Scenic and Wild Rivers Review Board, 1999-2001. Co-Chair, Maryland Greenways Commission, 1999-2001. Member, Governor's Executive Council, 1999-2001; Smart Growth and Neighborhood Conservation Subcabinet, 1999-2001; Smart Growth Subcabinet, 2001; Chesapeake Bay Commission, 1999-2001; Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Commission, 1999-2001; Chesapeake Bay Trust, 1999-2001; Maryland Civil War Heritage Commission, 1999; Drought Emergency Coordinating Committee, 1999; Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, 1999-2001; Task Force to Study the Preservation and Enhancement of Maryland's Heritage Resources, 1999-2001; Interdepartmental Advisory Committee for Minority Affairs, 1999-2001; Interagency Nutrient Reduction Oversight Committee, 1999-2001; Governor's Pesticide Council, 1999-2001; Potomac River Fisheries Commission, 1999-2001; Seafood Marketing Advisory Committee, 1999-2001; Governor's Commission on Service and Volunteerism, 1999-2001; Shore Erosion Task Force, 1999-2000; State Soil Conservation Committee, 1999-2001; Transportation Enhancements Program Executive Committee, 1999-2001; Oil Spill Prevention Advisory Committee, 2000; Task Force on the Environmental Effects of Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether (MTBE), 2000-01; Task Force on Energy Conservation and Efficiency in Maryland, 2001.

Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 4, 1947. Thiel College, B.A. (political science), 1969; Maxwell Graduate School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, M.B.A., 1970, Ph.D., 1976. Member, American Society of Public Administration (national & Maryland chapters); American Water Resources Association (national & Maryland chapters); Society of American Military Engineers. Sustained Superior Performance Award, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, 1977. Distinguished Alumnae Award, Thiel College, 1987. Governor's Salute to Excellence Award, 1991. Top 500 Environmental Achievers, U.S./United National Environmental Program, 1991. Who's Who of Women Executives, 1994. Sterling's Who's Who of International Executives, 1995. Married.

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