Governor's Ombudsman and Assistant Secretary for Economic Development Policy, Department of Business and Economic Development, 1995-96.
Member, Maryland Civil War Heritage Commission, 1999; Task Force on High-Speed Network Development, 1999-2000; Commission on Transportation Investment, 1999; Governor's Year-2000 Readiness Task Force, 1999-2000; Smart Growth and Neighborhood Conservation Subcabinet, 1999-2001. Chair, Maryland Aviation Commission, 1999-2003; Maryland Port Commission, 1999-2003; Maryland Transportation Authority, 1999-2003; Executive Committee, Transportation Enhancements Program, 1999-2003. Co-Chair, Maryland Greenways Commission, 1999-2003. Member, Governor's Executive Council, 1999-2003; Cabinet Council on Business, Economic Development, and Transportation, 1999-2003; Smart Growth Subcabinet, 2001-03; Interagency Committee on Aging Services, 1999-2003; Asbestos Oversight Committee, 1999-2003; Capital Debt Affordability Committee, 1999-2003; Maryland Economic Development Corporation, 1999-2003; Maryland Economic Development Assistance Authority, 1999-2003; Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, 1999-2003; State Information Technology Board, 1999-2003; Interdepartmental Advisory Committee for Minority Affairs, 1999-2003; Patuxent River Commission, 1999-2003; Pricing and Selection Committee for Rehabilitation and Employment Programs, 1999-2003; Procurement Advisory Council, 1999-2003; Interagency Committee on Specialized Transportation, 1999-2003; Transportation Professional Services Selection Board, 1999-2003; Washington Suburban Transit Commission, 1999-2003; Transit Policy Panel, 2000. Chair, Special Task Force for Transit-Oriented Development, 2000-01. Member, Task Force on Energy Conservation and Efficiency in Maryland, 2001; Crossroads Task Force, 2001-02; Executive Committee for Dredged Material Management Plans, 2001-03; Maryland Green Buildings Council, 2001-03; Governor's Subcabinet for International Affairs, 2001-03; Governor's Interagency Council on Homelessness, 2002-03; Rebuild La Plata Task Force, 2002-03; Maryland Security Council, 2002-03.
Vice-President for Administrative Affairs, University of Maryland, College Park, 2003-.
Born in Rochester, New York, December 14, 1958. University of Dayton, B.A. (political science), 1981; Nelson A. Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, State University of New York at Albany, M.P.A. (public administration), 1985. Vice-president, Loiederman Associates, 1977. Past member, Board of Directors, Baltimore Area Convention and Visitors Association. Past representative of Governor to Economic Development Advisory Committee of National Governor's Association; Maryland Communications Center; Italy-America Chamber of Commerce. Married; four children.
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