[photo, Thomas E. Bratten, Jr., Secretary of Veterans Affairs] THOMAS E. BRATTEN, JR.
Secretary of Veterans Affairs, 1999-2003

Secretary of Veterans Affairs, October 1, 1999 to January 15, 2003.

Member, Maryland Vietnam Veterans Memorial Commission, 1984-89; Maryland Veterans Commission, 1987-93; Governor's Commission on Maryland Military Monuments, 1989-. Director, Maryland Veterans Commission, 1993-99. Past member, Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Garrett County; Governor's Commission on Employment of the Handicapped; Governor's Commission to Study the Needs of the Handicapped.

Member, Governor's Year-2000 Technical Preparedness Task Force, 1999-2000; Governor's Executive Council, 1999-2003; Interdepartmental Advisory Committee on Minority Affairs, 1999-2003.

Born in Kentucky, July 5, 1943. American University, B.A. (political science); M.A. (public administration). Served in U.S. Army (Silver Star; Bronze Star with V; Air Medal; Purple Heart; Republic of Vietnam with 3 Devices; Vietnam Service Medal with 3 Devices; Army Commendation with V Device; Good Conduct & National Defense Service Medal). Certified counselor in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Member, International Association of Trauma Counselors; International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Member, National Association of State Directors of Veterans Affairs, Inc. Life member, American Veterans Association; Disabled American Veterans; Military Order of the Purple Heart; American Legion; Vietnam Veterans of America; Veterans of Foreign Wars; AMVETS; Catholic War Veterans; Military Order of Foreign Wars. Chair, Garrett County Democratic Central Committee. Member, Montgomery County Democratic State Central Committee, 1974-94 (past chair). Governor's Disabled Marylander of the Year Award, 1990. Outstanding Disabled Veteran of the Year, Disabled American Veterans, 2002.

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