Maryland Manual On-Line, 2003

July 31, 2003

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


Appointed by Board of Directors to 3-year terms:
Rachel K. King, Chair (chosen by Board in Jan., 1-year term), 2002
M. J. (Jay) Brodie, 1999; Edward L. Cahill, 1999; John J. Woloszyn, 1999; M. James Barrett, Ph.D., 2000; J. J. Finkelstein, 2000; Bruce K. Hamilton, Ph.D., 2001; Patrick P. Hervy, 2001; James K. Leslie, 2001; Craig R. Smith, M.D., 2001; two vacancies.

Ex officio: Martha J. Connolly, Ph.D., designee of Secretary of Business & Economic Development; Peter P. McCann, Ph.D., designee of President, University System of Maryland; Theodore O. Poehler, Ph.D., designee of President, The Johns Hopkins University.

C. Robert Eaton, Executive Director

MdBIO, Inc.
1003 West 7th St., Suite 202
Frederick, MD 21701
(301) 228-2445
fax: 1-800-863-5994 (toll free)

MdBIO, Inc., began in 1991 as the Maryland Bioprocessing Center, Inc. Its original board of directors was appointed by the Governor in December 1991. The Board renamed the Center as MdBIO, Inc., in July 1997.

MdBIO is a private, nonprofit organization created by industry leaders from across Maryland in conjunction with The Johns Hopkins University, the University System of Maryland, and Maryland State government. MdBIO supports and promotes the manufacturing and commercial development of biotechnology in Maryland.

To capitalize on the State's renowned biomedical research base, a "scale-up" biopharmaceutical manufacturing facility was built in East Baltimore at the Bayview Industrial Park, 5901 East Lombard Street. The facility, known as the BioCenter, opened in the summer of 1996. The facility offers biotechnology companies affordable access in Maryland to pharmaceutical-grade (GMP) manufacturing facilities, equipment, technical expertise, and regulatory guidance. Maryland companies receive priority access to the facility and may apply for financial incentive awards to lower their manufacturing costs.

MdBIO's Board of Directors is self-perpetuating. It consists of fifteen members, three serving ex officio.

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