George Beall, Esq., Chair (chosen by Governor)

Appointed by Governor: Catherine Ashley-Cotleur; Carville B. Collins, Esq.; Marie M. Garber; Nathanael Pollard, Jr., Ph.D.; George L. Russell, Jr., Esq.; Lloyd L. Simpkins.

Appointed by Senate President: Michael J. Collins; Brian E. Frosh.

Appointed by Senate Minority Leader: David R. Craig

Appointed by House Speaker: John S. Arnick; John F. Wood, Jr.

Appointed by House Minority Leader: Joseph M. Getty

Staff: F. Carvel Payne

c/o Dept. of Legislative Reference
90 State Circle
Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 946-5200, (301) 970-5200
fax: (410) 946-5205, (301) 970-5205

The Task Force to Review the State's Election Law was formed in 1995 (Chapter 514, Acts of 1995). Created to investigate the rules, regulations, and procedures of the State Administrative Board of Election Laws as well as local boards of election supervisors, the Task Force focused on the conduct of the 1994 general election. In addition, the Task Force reviewed State law relating to the conduct of elections, including absentee ballot procedures, and the need for uniform statewide voting procedures (Code 1957, Art. 41, sec. 18-307).

On December 31, 1995, the Task Force reported to the Governor and General Assembly.

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