Maryland Manual On-Line, 2003

July 31, 2003

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


Sidney B. Seidman, M.D., Chair (chosen by Governor)

Appointed by Governor: Harolyn M. E. Belcher, M.D.; Gail I. Dunlap; John A. Grant, M.D.; W. David Humbert; Linda J. Jacobs, Ed.D.; Theo E. Lemaire, Ph.D.; Pamela J. Lewis; Patricia H. Michel; Pauline B. Prince, Ph.D.; Geneva Rawls; Mark A. Riddle, M.D.; Mary H. Shiner, R.N.; Larry B. Silver, M.D.; Kenneth Tellerman, M.D.; Julie M. Zito, Ph.D.

Appointed by Senate President: Paula C. Hollinger

Appointed by House Speaker: Dan K. Morhaim

Appointed by State Board of Physician Quality Assurance: Sidney B. Seidman, M.D.

Appointed by State Board of Examiners of Psychologists: Milton Shore, Ph.D.

Staff: Cheryl Duncan De Pinto, M.D. (410) 767-6749
William Flook, Ph.D. (410) 767-0307

c/o Center for Maternal & Child Health
Community & Public Health Admin.
Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene
201 West Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 - 2399
(410) 767-6749

In 1997, the Task Force to Study Uses of Methylphenidate and Other Drugs on School Children began (Chapter 504, Acts of 1997). The Task Force was to determine the extent to which methylphenidate (ritalin) is prescribed for school-age children in Maryland, by whom, and why. The Task Force considered what other treatments for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder are available and generally used. Educational programs and materials on the disorder were to be developed by the Task Force for parents, educators, and primary care physicians. The Task Force also convened a State conference on the attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; and the use of methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine, magnesium pemoline and other medications for its treatment, as well as nonpharmacological treatment alternatives.

In March 1999, the Task Force reported to the Governor and General Assembly.

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