Maryland Manual On-Line, 2003

July 31, 2003

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


Chair (chosen by Governor): David L. Winstead, Secretary of Transportation

Appointed by Governor: Rita Bontz; Donald M. Bowman; Richard A. Carey; Harvey E. Clearwater, Ed.D.; Maj. Raymond D. Cotton;Anne S. Ferro; Joseph H. Foster; Linden E. Heavner; Claude M. Ligon, Ph.D.; Kenneth L. Pierson; D. Bruce Poole; William L. Rohrbaugh; Ida G. Ruben; Walter C. Thompson; Barbara Windsor.

Contact: Joseph H. Foster

c/o Dept. of Transportation
P. O. Box 8755
10 Elm Road
BWI Airport, MD 21240 - 8755
(410) 865-1097
fax: (410) 691-2198

In April 1989, the Governor named the Governor's Motor Carrier Task Force for Safety and Uniformity to succeed the Governor's Task Force on Uniform Motor Carrier Procedures, and the Truck Safety Task Force. The Task Force examined procedures for taxation, registration, and administrative regulation of heavy trucks and buses. It developed procedures that are simple and uniform, while ensuring safety and payment of a fair share of highway user costs by commercial vehicles.

The Task Force last met in 1997.

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