Co-Chair (chosen by Montgomery County Executive): Kevin P. Maloney
Co-Chair (chosen by Prince George's County Executive): Duane W. Oates

Appointed by Delegation chairs: Arthur Dorman, Leonard H. Teitelbaum, State Senate; Rushern L. Baker, III, Henry B. Heller, House of Delegates.

Appointed by Montgomery County Executive with County Council approval: Waymond D. Bray; J. R. Schuble, Jr.

Appointed by Prince George's County Executive: James W. Hubbard; Sandra Peaches, Esq.

Appointed by County Councils: Dorothy F. Bailey; Isiah Leggett.

Ex officio: James P. Caldwell, designee of Montgomery County Executive; Samuel E. Wynkoop, Jr., designee of Prince George's County Executive; John R. Griffin, General Manager, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission.

Tanya T. Spano, Project Manager

c/o Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
777 North Capitol St., NE, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20002
(202) 962-3776
e-mail: tspano@mwcog.org

In 1998, the Task Force on Privatization of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission began (Chapter 713, Acts of 1998). The Task Force was to study and report on privatizing functions of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission. The study was to consider the perspectives of residential and commercial ratepayers, county and municipal governments, entities regulated by the Commission, and taxpayers in the Sanitary District.

The Task Force submitted its final report to the Montgomery County Executive, Prince George's County Executive, and Montgomery County and Prince George's County Delegations in November 1999. Authorization for the Task Force ended December 31, 1999.

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