Chair (chosen by Governor): Christopher J. McCabe, Secretary of Human Resources

Ex officio: vacancy, designee of Governor; Jean W. Roesser, Secretary of Aging; Aris Melissaratos, Secretary of Business and Economic Development; Nancy S. Grasmick, Ph.D., State Superintendent of Education; Nelson J. Sabatini, Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene; Victor L. Hoskins, Secretary of Housing and Community Development; James D. Fielder, Jr., Ph.D., Secretary of Labor, Licensing & Regulation; Mary Ann Saar, Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services; Robert L. Flanagan, Secretary of Transportation; M. Teresa Garland, Esq., Special Secretary, Office of Children, Youth & Families.

Contact: Gregory D. Shupe

c/o Office of Transitional Services
Dept. of Human Resources
311 West Saratoga St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 - 3521
(410) 767-7340
1-800-332-6347 (toll free)
1-800-732-7850 (toll free, in Spanish)

Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly.

The Governor's Interagency Council on Homelessness was created by the Governor in June 2002 (Executive Order 01.01.2002.14). The Council coordinates State policy regarding the homeless. It devises strategies by which State agencies can collaborate to help those without shelter and prevent homelessness in Maryland.

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