JOSEPH F. MURPHY, JR., Chief Judge, Court of Special Appeals, At Large, since 1996 (Judge since July 25, 1993). Board of Directors, Maryland Judicial Institute, 1985-93, 1995-2000. Chair, Court of Appeals Standing Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure, 1996-. Member, Library Committee, State Law Library, 1997-; Maryland Alternative Dispute Resolution Commission, 1998-2001; Technology Oversight Board, 1999-. Member, Judicial Cabinet, 2000-; Judicial Council, Maryland Judicial Conference, 2000-; Advisory Board, Maryland Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office, 2001-.
Chair, Article 27 (crimes & punishments) Revision Committee, 1991-. Member, Code Revision Committee, 1991-.
Assistant State's Attorney, Baltimore City, 1970-75. Deputy State's Attorney, Baltimore City, 1975-76. Associate Judge, Baltimore County Circuit Court, 3rd Judicial Circuit, 1984-93. Born in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, January 9, 1944. Attended St. Bernard's High School, Fitchburg, Massachusetts; Boston College, A.B., 1965; University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1969. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1969. Member, Maryland State Bar Association (criminal pattern jury instructions committee, 1980-; committee on laws, 1988-; chair, criminal law section council, 1987-88). Member, Baltimore County Bar Association; Maryland State's Attorneys' Association, 1970-76; Maryland Criminal Defense Attorneys Association, 1984 (president, 1984). Instructor (evidence), University of Baltimore School of Law, 1974. Instructor (trial practice) University of Maryland School of Law, 1981-. Officer and trustee, Maryland Institute for the Continuing Professional Education of Lawyers (MICPEL), 1984-88. President, J. Dudley Digges Inn of Court, 1989-90. Author, "Oral Motions in Limine," Litigation (vol. 14, no. 3), Spring 1988; Maryland Evidence Handbook, 1989 (2nd ed., 1993; 3rd ed., 1999). Outstanding Part-Time Instructor Award, University of Baltimore, 1976, 1977, 1996. Robert C. Heeney Memorial Award, Maryland State Bar Association, 1990. Award for Professional Excellence, Maryland Bar Foundation, 1994. Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation, Inc., 1984-.
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