Maryland Manual On-Line, 2003

July 31, 2003

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


[photo, Peter B. Krauser, Court of Special Appeals Judge] PETER BRUNSWICK KRAUSER, Judge, Court of Special Appeals, At Large, since January 31, 2000. Member, Judicial Compensation Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 2000-.

Vice-Chair, Health Services Task Force, Prince George's County, 1982-83; Parking Authority, Prince George's County, 1982-88. Member, Committee on Continuing Progress, Prince George's County, 1990; Government Operations Commission, Prince George's County, 1992. Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 5, 1947. Northwestern University, B.A., 1969 (class president); University of Pennsylvania School of Law, J.D., 1972. Admitted to Pennsylvania Bar, 1973; Maryland Bar, 1978; Virginia Bar, 1997. Law clerk to Judge John P. Fullam, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Member, American, Maryland State and Prince George's County Bar Associations. Former appellate attorney, Criminal Division, U.S. Dept. of Justice. Former trial and appellate attorney, Defender Association of Philadelphia. Former partner, Margolius, Davis, Finkelstein & Rider; Pohorytes & Greenstein; Thompson, Hine & Flory. Former general counsel, Prince George Center, Inc. Former managing partner, Krauser & Taub. Board member, American Jewish Committee, 1991-; United Jewish Appeal Federation of Greater Washington, 1991-. Maryland State Chair, National Jewish Democratic Council, 1993-95. President, Jewish Community Council of Greater Washington, 1994-96. Chair and founder, Black-Jewish Seder of Prince George's County, 1996-97. Chair, Maryland Democratic Party, 1997-2000. Former instructor (trial advocacy), Continuing Legal Education, Georgetown University Law Center. Former adjunct professor (trial practice), International School of Law (now George Mason University Law School). Former instructor (legal research) Paralegal Studies Program, University of Maryland, College Park. Author, "The Use of Prior Convictions as Credibility Evidence: Proposal for Pennsylvania," 46 Temple Law Quarterly 291 (1973). Volunteer Award, United Jewish Appeal of Greater Washington, 1986. Prince Georgian of the Year, 1993. Breslau-Goldman Award, Jewish Community Council of Greater Washington, 1999.

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