NELSON W. RUPP, JR., Associate Judge, Montgomery County Circuit Court, 6th Judicial Circuit, since 1997.

Senior Assistant State's Attorney, Montgomery County, 1973-77. Member, Alternative Community Services Commission, City of Rockville, 1975-80. Assistant Public Defender, Montgomery County, 1977-80. Deputy State's Attorney, St. Mary's County, 1980-81. Assistant State's Attorney, Prince George's County, 1981-83. Member, Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Advisory Council, Montgomery County, 1992- (chair, criminal justice committee). Associate Judge, Montgomery County, District 6, District Court of Maryland, 1993-97. Member, Mental Health, Alcoholism and Addiction Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 1994-99. Attended Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School; Denison University, B.A., 1970; Washington College of Law, The American University, J.D., 1974. Member, District of Columbia Bar Association (lawyer counselling committee, 1985-); Maryland State Bar Association (lawyer counselling committee, 1991-; litigation section); Montgomery County Bar Association (executive committee, 1992-94; chair, lawyer-to-lawyer committee, 1991-95; chair, correctional reform committee, 1977-79). Sponsor of Live Your Dreams-Don't Use Drugs, a District Court program for high school students, 1994-. Outstanding Jurist Award, Montgomery County Bar Association, 1995.

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