The Office helps the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals oversee and implement court policies established by the Chief Judge, the Court of Appeals, and the General Assembly. The Office also assists the Chief Judge in the assignment of judges to cope with temporary backlogs or to address shortages of judicial personnel. It prepares and administers the Judiciary budget; operates information systems; engages in planning; conducts research; and gathers and analyzes statistics and other management information (Code Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article, sec. 13-101). Additionally, the Office serves as liaison for the Judiciary with the legislative and executive branches.
For the Maryland Judicial Conference, the Conference of Circuit Judges, the Conference of Circuit Clerks, and for the education and training of judges, as well as nonjudicial personnel, staff support is provided by the Administrative Office of the Courts.
Heading the Office is the State Court Administrator who is appointed by the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals.
Established in 1995, the Oversight Committee on the Circuit Court Real Property Records Improvement Fund advises the State Court Administrator on managing and dispersing the Circuit Court Real Property Records Improvement Fund (Chapter 566, Acts of 1995).
The Committee has five members. Authorization for the Committee and the Fund continues until June 30, 2006 (Code Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article, secs. 13-601 through 13-607).
Judicial Information Systems administers data processing systems; collects and analyzes statistics, and maintains computer hardware and software for the Judiciary. The Office also helps State and local judicial agencies meet their data processing and information technology needs. From judicial data files, Judicial Information Systems provides information to judicial, criminal justice and law enforcement agencies.
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The Circuit Court Real Property Records Improvement Fund was created in 1991 (Chapter 327, Acts of 1991). In each county and Baltimore City, the Fund is used to repair, replace, modernize, and maintain equipment in the local land records office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Surcharges on the land records of each county and Baltimore City finance the Fund.
2661 Riva Road, Suite 900
Annapolis, MD 21401
In 1999, the Technology Oversight Board was formed by the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals. The Board oversees the allocation of technology resources by Judicial Information Systems. For the Judiciary, the Board works with the Director of Judicial Information Systems to determine long-term needs and strategies for developing and managing information technology.Maryland Judiciary
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