Maryland Manual On-Line, 2003

July 31, 2003

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



NOVEMBER 5, 1996


Question 1:

Altering the membership of the Commission on Judicial Disabilities; establishing requirements for public members of the Commission; limiting the number of terms Commission members may serve; providing that the Commission reflect the racial, gender, and geographic diversity of Maryland; and establishing certain provisions of limited duration to implement these Constitutional Amendments.

For Against
Allegany Co. 7,170 2,393
Anne Arundel Co. 102,666 42,040
Baltimore City 78,378 18,382
Baltimore Co. 156,272 55,657
Calvert Co. 11,608 4,949
Caroline Co. 2,732 1,185
Carroll Co. 28,543 12,501
Cecil Co. 12,463 6,116
Charles Co. 18,577 8,210
Dorchester Co. 3,257 1,533
Frederick Co. 37,830 15,509
Garrett Co. 4,921 1,768
Harford Co. 47,141 20,875
Howard Co. 57,914 21,375
Kent Co. 3,621 1,248
Montgomery Co. 195,678 72,703
Prince George's Co. 123,191 44,472
Queen Anne's Co. 7,102 3,773
St. Mary's Co. 12,240 5,271
Somerset Co. 1,740 872
Talbot Co. 6,760 2,508
Washington Co. 21,088 9,126
Wicomico Co. 15,928 15,106
Worcester Co. 9,416 3,408
TOTAL 966,236 370,980

Question 2:

Prohibiting a Governor from appointing an Executive Branch officer after a primary election in which the Governor is not renominated or may not succeed himself, or after a general election in which a Governor is defeated, except temporarily upon filing a statement of emergency with the Secretary of State; and permitting the succeeding Governor to replace any such emergency appointment.

For Against
Allegany Co. 7,759 2,114
Anne Arundel Co. 126,168 21,960
Baltimore City 73,074 20,828
Baltimore Co. 178,667 36,547
Calvert Co. 14,266 2,628
Caroline Co. 2,977 949
Carroll Co. 35,472 6,521
Cecil Co. 14,710 4,197
Charles Co. 22,704 4,575
Dorchester Co. 3,510 1,237
Frederick Co. 45,675 8,630
Garrett Co. 5,463 1,460
Harford Co. 58,069 10,938
Howard Co. 69,751 10,934
Kent Co. 4.245 778
Montgomery Co. 221,352 42,579
Prince George's Co. 132,075 32,378
Queen Anne's Co. 9,534 1,515
St. Mary's Co. 14,956 3,010
Somerset Co. 2,040 675
Talbot Co. 8,161 1.626
Washington Co. 25,806 5,076
Wicomico Co. 18,233 3,226
Worcester Co. 10,893 2,265
TOTAL 1,105,560 226,646

Question 3:

Amends Article 35 of the Declaration of Rights and Article III, Section ii, of the Maryland Constitution by providing that non-elected members of a law enforcement agency, a fire department or agency, or a rescue squad may also hold another office of profit and are eligible to be Senator or Delegates to the Maryland General Assembly.

For Against
Allegany Co. 6,049 3,590
Anne Arundel Co. 95,698 51,294
Baltimore City 57,504 33,834
Baltimore Co. 137,093 74,639
Calvert Co. 10,986 5,672
Caroline Co. 2,245 1,471
Carroll Co. 28,662 12,940
Cecil Co. 11,600 7,195
Charles Co. 18,148 9,131
Dorchester Co. 2,734 1,859
Frederick Co. 36,564 17,493
Garrett Co. 4,548 2,249
Harford Co. 44,759 23,453
Howard Co. 55,234 24,889
Kent Co. 3,390 1,528
Montgomery Co. 172,019 89,988
Prince George's Co. 86,706 73,995
Queen Anne's Co. 7,652 3,207
St. Mary's Co. 12,320 5,376
Somerset Co. 1,663 914
Talbot Co. 6,544 3,038
Washington Co. 20,556 9,621
Wicomico Co. 14,962 6,466
Worcester Co. 8,856 3,930
TOTAL 846,492 467,772

Question 4:

Amends the Constitution of Maryland to allow charter counties, as expressly authorized by statute, to enact local legislation permitting a special election to fill a vacancy in the county councils of charter counties.

For Against
Allegany Co. 6,706 1,853
Anne Arundel Co. 118,978 21,645
Baltimore City 66,684 19,180
Baltimore Co. 173,424 33,817
Calvert Co. 13,647 2,390
Caroline Co. 2,497 1,270
Carroll Co. 33,502 6,792
Cecil Co. 11,777 7,395
Charles Co. 22,141 4,233
Dorchester Co. 3,178 1,377
Frederick Co. 44,409 7,961
Garrett Co. 5,105 1,397
Harford Co. 56,097 11,421
Howard Co. 66,318 11,165
Kent Co. 3,884 687
Montgomery Co. 202,358 32,572
Prince George's Co. 125,633 30,406
Queen Anne's Co. 8,844 1,430
St. Mary's Co. 14,107 2,810
Somerset Co. 1,755 613
Talbot Co. 7,837 1,092
Washington Co. 24,517 4,620
Wicomico Co. 17,099 2,934
Worcester Co. 10,410 1,837
TOTAL 1,040,907 210,897

Question 5:

Permits the Charter of Harford County to provide for the election of members of the Harford County Council by the same methods available to all other charter counties in Maryland by repealing Section 3A(d) of Article XI-A which requires that all members of the Harford County Council be elected by the voters of the entire county.

For Against
Allegany Co. 3,748 1,898
Anne Arundel Co. 87,735 23,049
Baltimore City 54,516 19,683
Baltimore Co. 124,763 30,280
Calvert Co. 9,243 2,384
Caroline Co. 1,433 912
Carroll Co. 22,716 6,998
Cecil Co. 7,842 5,112
Charles Co. 15,767 3,718
Dorchester Co. 1,665 1,143
Frederick Co. 34,112 7,959
Garrett Co. 3,413 1,338
Harford Co. 48,269 21,122
Howard Co. 51,539 10,273
Kent Co. 2,177 761
Montgomery Co. 157,481 29,084
Prince George's Co. 89,896 31,473
Queen Anne's Co. 5,277 1,655
St. Mary's Co. 10,376 2,657
Somerset Co. 1,106 645
Talbot Co. 4,093 1,205
Washington Co. 16,728 4,551
Wicomico Co. 10,645 2,952
Worcester Co. 6,058 1,823
TOTAL 770,598 212,675

Question 6:

Allows the County Council of Harford County to immediately take certain property for rights-of-way for road, storm drain, sewer or water construction or installation; provides for a minimum 60 feet between rights-of-way and building; provides for county liability for certain costs and interest; prohibits more than one taking from the same parcel for the same project under this amendment.

For Against
Allegany Co. 2,307 3,437
Anne Arundel Co. 38,831 71,326
Baltimore City 42,116 30,586
Baltimore Co. 78,667 74,046
Calvert Co. 4,895 6,707
Caroline Co. 844 1,563
Carroll Co. 11,565 18,363
Cecil Co. 3,846 9,174
Charles Co. 8,965 10,379
Dorchester Co. 974 1,857
Frederick Co. 17,763 23,910
Garrett Co. 1,731 3,106
Harford Co. 17,762 52,981
Howard Co. 30,282 30,967
Kent Co. 1,309 1,666
Montgomery Co. 88,363 81,525
Prince George's Co. 59,850 59,688
Queen Anne's Co. 2,314 5,190
St. Mary's Co. 5,687 7,325
Somerset Co. 679 1,077
Talbot Co. 2,243 2,958
Washington Co. 7,158 12,404
Wicomico Co. 5,950 7,669
Worcester Co. 3,585 4,257
TOTAL 437,686 522,161

Source: State Board of Elections

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